Attend bi-annually M2FCT meeting hosted by DOE to present and learn about progress in heavy-duty fuel cell truck.
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Professor Abel Chuang and his lab are focused now on an international research project to advance the viability and efficiency of hydrogen fuel cells for energy. Though the project centers around needs in the Philippines, the applications of this work will have global impact.
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Attending the M2FCT in-person meeting to present our project of studying catalyst layer in the fuel cell. It’s great to meet friends, like Dr. Yu Morimoto and Prof. Gang Wu after the pandemic.
Visiting The National Center for Electron Microscopy (NCEM) at Berkeley National Laboratory to perform STEM-EDS and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) measurement of our catalysts.
Visiting NIST to perform neutron radiography tests for fuel cell diagnostic with the help from Dr. Jake LaManna, Dr. Dan Hussey, and Dr. Dave Jacobson.